Watch Kevin Henkes read from Bird Lake Moon

The best part of the Kevin Henkes reception (besides the chocolate) was his reading from Bird Lake Moon. First, Katy Horning introduced him and then his current editor (whose name I can’t remember — doh!) from Greenwillow spoke. She had a great story about when Susan Hirschman had Kevin call her at the publisher she was currently working for (Simon & Schuster, I think?) because she was trying to get her to come over to Greenwillow and didn’t want anyone to know what she was doing. Of course, that didn’t work out at all. As soon as the secretary announced that KEVIN HENKES was on the phone everyone crowded around her office to listen in. V. funny. This editor also had quite possibly the best reaction of the night too when she announced that this was Kevin’s 38th book. Everyone in the room gasped and Kevin looked more than a little surprised himself.
Click on the picture below to watch Kevin Henkes read an excerpt from Bird Lake Moon.