
SWEETHEARTS by Sara ZarrSweethearts by Sara Zarr was a CCBC Book Discussion book today and I was happily surprised to discover that I wasn’t the only one who loved this book. Usually books with adorable pink hearts on the cover (cookie hearts no less) don’t get such huge rave reviews by anyone but me, but this book was so spot on perfect as far as suspense, depth, relationships, and emotions go that it won over lots of readers. My only complaint was that it had such a definite ending and I wished she’d left it open so I could have imagined what happened in years to come instead of having it told to me. But I think that was on purpose. The story is about a girl who’s remade herself in high school into a new person after a difficult childhood with a single hard-working parent and only one friend. When her past and her present connect, everything gets all jumbled and she has to find her way through. Great read!

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