Friday Six May 30 (posted on Saturday, as things are Super Crazy here)

One week in Madison left!!!!!!!!!

1) Last day of work at Madison Public Library yesterday. I did three presentations about the summer library program for elementary school kids and seeing their reaction when we told them that everything we do is free was totally satisfying. That, I’ll miss.

2) I’m reading The Disreputable History of Frankie Banks Landau by E. Lockhart and it’s pretty good. It takes place at a ritzy east coast boarding school and reminds me a little bit of the Gilmore Girls world.

3) I’m also reading In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto by Michael Pollan which I’m really enjoying. It’s a totally different take on diet and nutrition than what’s out there — he has a big picture view of things. It’s probably the last thing I should be reading right now since our eating has gone all to hell with us moving and everything being half packed and we don’t even have a table to sit down at to enjoy meals per his recommendation, but it’s still a good read.

4) Packing has consumed my life.

5) Who knew I had so many piece of paper in my life that needed to be gone through?????????

6) Have I mentioned we’re moving in one week??????????? Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!

Have a great weekend!
