Portland Kidlit Conference Part 2

There’s something intimidating about blogging about a blogger’s conference when you are surrounded by a million serious bloggers. Alice, one of the lovely people I met at the conference, said something similar in her blog, so I feel like I’m not the only one. Whew. But then she went on to post a great conference report here. So maybe it is just me.

For everyone who wasn’t there and who wants to know more, lots of bloggers blogged about the conference. Laini Taylor, one of the conference organizers, blogged in three parts. I think she has the most comprehensive overview of the conference. Here are parts one, two, and three. If you want to read ALL of the blogs from everyone who blogged about the conference, go here.

I met tons of people over the weekend and the fun part about a conference like this is that almost all of them blog or at least have a website. Here are links to some of the super cool people I met at the conference:

Adrienne — librarian from Rochester New York

Farida — storyteller from Seattle (I’m in a picture on her blog about the conference -why didn’t I take any???)

Mother Reader — super blogger who gave a great session on building a bigger blog

Johanna — an artist and illustrator from Portland

Sara — Finding Wonderland Blogger (her conference post includes her notes with the greatest illustrations!)

Laurie — from Washington State (originally from WI too!)

Lynn — author of Mermaid Mary Margaret, one of my favorite young fiction novels

Lisa — another Oregonian who just started blogging

Jen — of Jen Robinson’s Book Page

Fuse #8 –super librarian blogger

I also got to meet up with fun authors I’d already met Sara Ryan, Rosanne Parry, and Deb Cushman

Also, illustrator Susanna Leigh.

All of the sessions were really well done and many of the other bloggers went into more detail about them. One of my favorite sessions was run by Sara Zarr, also the author of one of my favorite YA books this year Sweethearts. She talked about balancing your personal and professional sides on your blog and was generally informative and fabulous.

I know I”m forgetting someone! Lots of fun blogs to check out.
Kid Lit Blogging Conference

3 replies on “Portland Kidlit Conference Part 2”

  1. I am really overdue to blog about the conference. It always seems to take me such a long time to get my thoughts together! Thanks for including me in the “super cool” list. 🙂

  2. Bridget, It was great to finally meet you in person. I’ve enjoyed following your blog and hearing about your adventures in Portland. I’m sure I’ll see you at many more Portland writing events!

  3. No problem, Adrienne — OF COURSE you would make the super cool list!

    Deb, it was great meeting you in person too. I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog! I’m sure I’ll see you at more writing events. Please let me know if you hear about any I should go to!

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