Seeing Me Naked

Seeing Me Naked by Liza PalmerSEEING ME NAKED by Liza Palmer was SO funny! I don’t read a ton of adult books (who has time, when there are so many fabulous young adult books to read?), but this was definitely worth the trip over to the adult side. I laughed out loud. SEVERAL TIMES. The basic story is about thirty-something Elisabeth struggling with her career as a dessert chef, her family, and her love life. Fine enough. But it’s the way it’s told that is so great. I think I laughed so hard because the funny bits kept popping up unexpectedly. Like this baby shower she goes to — I wasn’t expecting the slogan she writes on the onesie during the onesie decorating game. Shocking, but v. v. funny. The other thing I liked about this book is that the Happily Ever After isn’t held back for the whole book and then thrust on you on the last page. I hate it when authors do that!! (though I may have accidently done that in the last novel I was working on — but it was a first draft! Next draft will definitely have a longer/richer denouement.) I love when you actually get a few chapters to experience some of the good things, even if it isn’t all worked out yet. I ordered Liza’s first book — I hope it’s just as good!

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