Half My Life

This week Barrett and I are celebrating sixteen years together.

Which is officially half of my life. Woo hoo!

Yes, I know we are a bit celebration-happy, having multiple weddings last year, taking the whole month of March to celebrate those wedding anniversaries this year, having a Summer of Love tour to celebrate love with all of our other loved ones (finale in Portland still to come!), and now we’re celebrating couplehood as well?

We are suckers for love. I’m thinking next year will be the year of the Honeymoons.

Here are some entertaining photos from Year One. I had to take pictures of the pictures since I haven’t figured out how to use the scanner and Barrett is doing this crazy thing called *working* so they have some weird glare and blurriness issues.

In the meantime, before the year of the Honeymoons, we are planning a BIG adventure for later this week but haven’t decided which adventure to have! Enjoy the coasty coast, cool waterfalls, shooshing rivers, or do some cupcake testing?

Any BIG adventure suggestions? We would love to hear them!

Here’s wishing you all love and someone–spouse, relative, neighbor, friend, or mailman–who continues to surprise and delight you. And (possibly even better!) is continually surprised and delighted by YOU.

Love and kisses,


It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Humidity

There is no humidity in Portland in the summer. As a matter of fact, there doesn’t seem to be much humidity in the winter either possibly because we have the heat on all of the time drying up that luscious, rainy air.

I had no idea that humidity was something that I needed.

Until I bought a humidifier. Now that I am breathing air that is like little poofs of heaven and I know what happiness is, I realize just how much I love humidity.

It happens that I am on some drugs that cause dryness–my fingers are all wrinkled up and the bottom layer of my feet recently cracked off.

But who cares about such trivialities as finger tip loveliness and having intact feet? Barely a bother really.

What really gets me is the nose.

In the past when I’ve complained of schnoz-related issues, some people, whose names I will not mention (Jeremy), suggested, and this is so gross I can barely type the words, a device known as the natty pot. Yes, that thing filled with some sort of liquid that you stick up your nose and expect to have drain out the other side.

Have we learned nothing from the peas????

Don’t stick objects up your nose. This is wisdom.

And sticking something up your nose EXPECTING STICKY, NASTY THINGS TO COME OUT???

What twisted individual came up with this idea?

That guy who invented chemo?

Back in the day, before my nose dryness trouble, that first breath of air in the morning was scrumptious–all silky, velvety and smelling of hot cinnamon toast and a steaming cup of Scottie B.

Lately, my first breath of air in the morning has been so painful that I sit upright in bed vigorously NOT screaming. Because my nose is so dry and sensitive that the first breath of air is like lighter fluid to the flame inside my nose.

Where fire ants have set up a penal colony.

Not just fire ants having fire parties, delinquent fire ants having fire parties.

I mentioned this to my fabulous reiki practioner at the Chiyu Center who casually suggested a humidifier.

So I gave it a whirl. While the fire ants have not completely vacated the residence, they are now much pacified by the heavenly poofs of moistoned air gliding over them.


Hope you’re having a great week!

Love to you all,


Photo Credit: Zaser

Aliens Have Landed On My Head

And left behind a crop circle.

What does this mean? Is it a beacon, a landing strip for very tiny space craft, or just something created for alien amusement?

Or, more exciting yet, have I been marked as part of an extraterrestrial science study? (Probably not any worse than the last scientific study I was in in which I lost all of hair and broke out in extremely painful hives and that was a study dreamt up by HUMANS! Aren’t they supposed to be on my side here?).

Maybe these are that special breed of benevolent healing aliens who’ve come here in peace and just want to make the world a better place. Make up for some of the bad alien press going around, possibly do some healing ju-ju on a ya author or two, and then round out their trip by whispering secrets to ice cream makers on how to make their dessert even creamier and more delicious.

More soon (unless I get sucked up by the mother ship)!

With Love,


Summer of Love, Part II

Summer of Love, Part II in Lake Nebagamon was lovely. There was even a little breeze off the lake.

Thanks to Barrett’s mom and everyone who worked to make this day so nice! Unfortunately, most of the pics of the event ended up getting censored due to cleavage issues. Either my bosom got bigger in one week (curse you tasty Madison food!) or the straps of my dress got stretched. In any case, that just means a possible wardrobe change for the Summer of Love, Part III in Portland which we will set a date for very soon. It’s not too late to RSVP!

Fortunately we have lots of pre-event shots featuring some of the awesome Party People who put the event together (featuring my pre-party outfit which had slightly less distressing cleavage issues).

Thanks to everyone who came to Summer of Love, Part II!

Love to you all,

Bridget & Barrett

Summer of Love, Part 1

We’re back in lovely, lovely Portland where the weather couldn’t be any more perfect and the stores are chock full of local cherries and berries. We had a super fab time on the first two legs of our Summer of Love tour in Madison and Lake Nebagamon.

We have ample pics of Summer of Love, Part I in Madison thanks to Bob Beaverson along with a gorgeous shoe shot from Georgia B. It was absolutely perfect in the park under the giant oak trees with fabulous party guests and flowers and petals and all sorts of treats.

Thanks to everyone who came to Summer of Love, Part I and special thanks to Kristin,Party Planner Exraordinaire (featured below) and everyone who helped make this event super fab!

More pics to be posted on facebook and an update on Summer of Love, Part II.

Love to you all,


Health Tips from Children’s Books

1) Half-Magic by Edward Eager. Wish for twice as much as what you want. This might sound greedy but if you get stuck with only having half-magic and you wish for full health you might end up only half-cured as has happened to me recently.

2) The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Drink milk, eat homemade baked goods, and get a large dose of fresh moor air. Take that anti-dairy/anti-wheat naturopaths! Not sure where to get moor air in Portland. Might have to make due with rainy air.

3) Heidi by Johanna Spyri. Again with the milk and fresh air. Can’t get enough of it.

4) Paddington Bear by Michael Bond. Grumpy people rarely get sick. Sure, mean, old Mr. Curry might get a little cold now and then, but it’s sweetie pie Paddington who ends up getting hit hard with the dreaded influenza. Being unnecessarily grumpy pays off. I think having a cane or a stick to wave around angrily could be beneficial.

While I am out on our front porch getting fresh air, drinking milk, and eating homemade baked goods, I might as well keep a sharp eye out for the person who lets their dog poop on our lawn so I can wave my stick at them. This dog issue is a new (and horrible) development.

New Healthy To Do List:

–buy milk and/or cow

–bake something

–find stick

–get an attitude

–make ginormous wishes

Grumpily yours,


I Don’t Know Why Canada Isn’t Sexy

It’s that time of year again.

The time of year when toes come out of hiding.

Realizing that if I was going to break out the sandals, I was in desperate need of new nail polish I went online yesterday in a frenzied search for the Perfect Nail Color for the Summer of 2010.

I have pastels like the soft pink Aphrodite’s Nighty and brights like the ultra-red Vodka and Caviar.

What I was looking for was something in between.

A little peachy, a little pink, but with some verve.

For those of you not into nail polish, the company that makes the nail polish I like has collections based on “themes” that come out every so often that they design their colors around. Then they give the polish clever names that go with this theme that make them ever so alluring. Often they use exotic places as their theme. My favorite red Vodka and Caviar comes from the Russian collection of polish which has an opulent, luxurious feel. Other popular collections based on places are La Collection de France and Coleccion De Espana.

After much searching, I found what I was looking for — The Perfect Nail Color for the Summer of 2010.

Which is when I discovered that Canada is not sexy.

Maybe I should have taken a hint when I saw that the names are not opulent or luxurious, but have names like Nice Color, Eh?

It’s cold there, JUST LIKE RUSSIA.

And they speak French, JUST LIKE FRANCE.

I can’t think of anything in common with Spain, but I had no idea that Canada was so freaking unpopular.

While you can get most nail polish from just about any beauty supply store online at a discounted rate with FREE SHIPPING, the Canadian line? Only available at like two sellers for more money than anyone should pay for nail polish plus shipping which pretty much doubles the already-too-much price.

Why Canada, must you be so un-sexy that NO ONE wants to carry your nail collection?

Why must I yearn for and not be able to justify buying the Perfect Nail Color for the Summer of 2010 just because it is named Niagara Falls?


Back to searching,

Love to you all,


P.S. For the record Canada, I’m on your side.

P.P.S. Have put a Canada is Sexy bumper sticker on my car.

P.P.P.S. Go Canada!

To Shave, or Not to Shave,

My hair is starting to grow back.


The only problem is that is it growing back in a wussy dandelion fuzz sort of way.

I was seduced by a hot, new cancer-fighting treatment that, as it turns out, did not fight any cancer at all, but instead spent all of its energy getting rid of my hair and then was apparently too worn out for anything else. Lazy and misguided cancer drugs. So now I’m back on the old treatment regime which is considerably more “hair friendly” but still seems to be tainting the ground from which I’m sprouting this new hair.

My new hair is nothing if not weird looking.

So now I have a dilemma.

Do I let my new dandelion fuzz grow because it might someday be enough to keep my head slightly warm (if not overly gorgeous) or do I shave it off until I can grow some hair with vim and vigor?

There is one big factor adding weight to the shaving side.

None of the balding men in my life (Thanks Dad!) ever told me this, keeping their baldy secrets to themselves, but I will tell you because I am only a temporary member of the club and not to be trusted.

The secret about baldness: you get a Direct Line.

Seriously. As soon as you shave off that top, you instantly feel spiritual and wise and as though there is nothing between you and the universe, god, goddess, what-have-you. No more hairy whatsits to jam the signal.

People should come to YOU for advice. Or to get their personal requests right to the source.

I know, awesome, right?

Do I give that up for some not-fully-baked, fuzzy hair?

But the warmness! Even my dandelion fuzz sprouts have some warming qualities. It would be nice not to shiver all of the time and/or have to wear my super-soft and cozy smurf hat any time I am wig-less.

You don’t even want to know what it is like on smurf hat cleaning day.

My hair dilemma aside, Bridget Zinn Cupcake Day was a smashing success! Thank you to everyone who participated (doesn’t suck to get good karma with someone with a Direct Line, I’ll make sure to put in a good word for all of you) and a special thanks to Bryce and Cristina and all of their helpers for making this happen.

And thanks again and again to everyone who has helped us to fight cancer in a gabillion different ways besides eating cupcakes (although that is a pretty fantastic way to help, I think Cailin said it best — it’s totally win-win!).

We hope to see many of you during our Summer of Love tour!

(Which brings me to a whole new dilemma — what sort of hair does one wear to their multiple wedding celebrations? Do you buy special hair or wear everyday hair or your usual party hair?)

Love to you all,


Dandelion image courtesy of www.javajane.co.uk

The Most Exciting Thing

Besides the Summer of Love, of course, is

Bridget Zinn Cupcake Day!

Yes, I have my own cupcake day.

I love it! Here are the details from Sweet Impressions:

Announcing a special fundraiser for Bridget May 10, 2010: All proceeds from Cupcakes purchased at Sweet Impressions (511 State Street; Madison) go to Bridget & Barrett to support them while they kick cancer. See www.cupcakesojourn.com/bridget for more information.

If you aren’t in Madison or aren’t inclined to eat cupcakes, Sweet Impressions has a great option for you, too! You can buy virtual cupcakes (a.k.a. karma cakes) and just send some money to help pay for some of the cancer-fighting treatments Bridget needs.

More details are available on facebook.

Thank you Bryce, Cristina, and everyone else who has helped put this together. We have the most awesome friends ever!

Love to you all,


Summer of Love

You are invited to Barrett and Bridget’s Summer of Love!

Click here to go to the invite.

We are finally continuing what we began with our wedding celebrations last spring with a whole summer full of love. Come join us at one of our parties!

If anyone with organizational skills in the Madison area would like to take charge of the volunteers for that event that would be awesome. We’re still caught up in kicking cancer (there’s just a little bit left — I say Out damn spot! We’re ready to move on to more fun adventures). With this distraction, I worry that I might end up suggesting everyone bring cake or something and forget to ask people to bring forks and then we’ll end up having to eat cake with our hands. So an organizing type person would be super fab.

We haven’t filled out details yet for our Portland event because the two earlier big events (and many small ones while we are in WI) is all we can handle right at the moment but we will update that page as soon as we can. We realize some Portlanders were at one of the weddings last year and are maybe so over celebrating it with us, BUT we promise it will be extra fun and worth the repeat. It was a small group out of necessity last year and we want to be able to celebrate with all of our PNW friends.

Fun times will be had.

Hope to see you all at one event or another!

With love,